E te iwi, Joe McLeod is clearing his calendar to hold a wānanga about kai Māori and rongoa for Hauraki whānau at Harataunga on Friday 1st to Sunday 3rd July.
This wananga is ideal for marae ringawera and people interested in mātauranga around kai Māori, rongoa Māori and cooking like our tipuna did but with a modern twist to enhance your kai and hauora.
Joe McLeod (Ngai Tuhoe) is on a mission to revitalise cooking techniques long protected by his tipuna so our cuisine can flourish for generations to come.
The programme officially starts on Sunday 3rd July 9am-5pm. For catering purposes please RSVP below. All whānau are welcome to the hākari at the end of the programme.
Join the whānau foraging and harvesting kai
If you want to get a behind the scenes insight on how a Matua Tohunga Tumau (culinary expert) operates in the whare kai, come along on Friday and Saturday where he will work with our ringawera and volunteers on foraging and preparing the kai the way he was taught.
If this sounds like something you would like to be involved with contact Diane Tuari at: treasurer@npkhrunanga.com or RSVP below to join the crew!
RSPV to join us